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CMEP Staff Changes

  Critical Mass announces several staff changes that may be of
  interest to CMEP-LIST subscribers.
  Matthew Freedman has left Public Citizen to spend the summer travelling 
  in Central America and then will be off to Harvard Law School this 
  fall.  Mike Grynberg will be leaving in mid-July to travel within 
  the United States and then plans to start his first year at the 
  University of Virginia Law School. Critical Mass thanks Matt and Mike 
  for their years of excellent work and wishes them good luck in law school.
  Critical Mass welcomes Charlie Higley (higley@citizen.org), who comes to 
  us from the Wisconsin Energy Center and will be covering utility 
  restructuring and some energy budget issues. Auke Piersma
  (apiersma@citizen.org), a graduate student at Washington University in 
  St. Louis, is spending his summer with Critical Mass and is working on 
  efforts to terminate the Advanced Light Water Reactor program.
  Lisa Brooks (reached via cmep@citizen.org) will be the primary contact 
  for all list-related questions and concerns about renewable energy and 
  transportation issues.
  Critical Mass Director Bill Magavern (magavern@citizen.org) covers 
  nuclear waste and uranium enrichment issues.  Jim Riccio  
  (jriccio@mindspring.com) is responsible for nuclear reactor safety issues.
  We remain committed to using this list to pass on important information 
  on energy policy developments in Washington, D.C., to safe energy 
  activists and interested citizens.  By providing this service, we hope to 
  make it easy for individuals and citizens groups to stay on top
  of national issues and weigh in at critical times to make a
  To receive regular energy policy alerts, summaries and updates
  from Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project, send the
  following message to listproc@essential.org: SUBSCRIBE CMEP-LIST [your name 
  - organizational affiliation - home state]
  The Critical Mass home page is located at http://www.essential.org/CMEP