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Gas Guzzler Campaign

  The Gas Guzzler Campaign is a nationwide, grassroots effort to create 
  greater accessibility and reduce dependence on gasoline-powered vehicles by 
  encouraging more sustainable land use development.  There is no fee for 
  joining the Gas Guzzler Campaign.  As a member, you will receive a
  bi-monthly newsletter which updates readers on issues relating to clean 
  energy and suggests actions for maintaining effective environmental 
  regulation for the country.  
  Members are invited to publicize information in the newsletter which is 
  disseminated to the over 400 Campaign members.  Members also receive 
  periodic action alerts, fact sheets, and other publications such as the 
  recent, "Earth Day 1995: A Guide to Making a Difference in Your 
  Community."  In addition, we will help put you in contact with other 
  groups that share similar interests. 
  If you are interested in joining efforts with the Gas Guzzler Campaign
  please contact Jennifer Sloan at AI0029@ADVINST.ORG, or 202-659-8475, or
  the Gas Guzzler Campaign, c/o Advocacy Institute, 1707 L Street, NW, Suite
  400, Washington, DC 20036. 
  To receive regular energy policy alerts, summaries and updates from 
  Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project, send the following message 
  to listproc@essential.org:  SUBSCRIBE CMEP-LIST [your name -  
  organizational affiliation - home state] 
  The Critical Mass home page is located at http://www.essential.org/CMEP